
For any booking inquiry, please contact Brendon , Lead Guitarist of Rock Avenue. We are available for shows in the nights. Pubs etc.

Name: Brendon Koh (Lead Guitarist of Rock Avenue)
Contact : +65 90679019
Email :

Thanks, Cheers !

The old has gone, the new has come.

Talk cock:
Finally , after a long hiatus from video-posting, I've decided to record a video in spite of the fact that yours sincerely had just a had a long day and is uber-exhausted. This video is just too important.

Main focus:

Practical 10 Reflection

One favourite quote I would use would be:
Every drop makes an ocean.

It is the most important lesson that I've learnt in EIR - that every lesson accumulates over time and is dependent on the previous lecture.

I found out that music affects how teenagers dress up, how to they talk or behave and how the musical lyrics influences their attitudes. Music plays a very big part in society. It may been somewhat minor as compared to other current matters but almost every teenager listens to music. Teenagers who are avid followers of their favourite bands may also want to do things the band members do and act like their idols. This may be a negative impact as these bands may portray the wrong idea to these teenagers and the teenagers blindly follow them. Also, teenagers are the most targeted consumer group in the music industry.

Practical 8 and 9 - My Dream Holiday

a. Update your blog with magical pictures of your Dream Holiday destinations
British Columbia Canada


Colorado River

b. Which evaluation criteria did you used to evaluate the multimedia websites f0r your dream holiday? Why?

The website has various pictures,blogs and forum categories for viewing purpose. It is comprehensive in the sense that it gives recollections of past experiences in the USA through the use of the blogs posts, forum posts and pictures that have been posted. There are also links to other destination countries such as India,Cuba etc.

Presentation and Arrangement

The information is well presented and arranged in a simplistic and minimalistic manner. The information available throughout the website follows a consistent web layout. There is a search facility located at the top right hand corner of the website which is very useful as it generates a native list of search results which are relevant.

The website is pretty simplistic in it's design. It allows users to find photos,information of past experiences by other people who visited the country. The "Photos" link is very essential as ultimately, users seek pictures first instead of text regarding the country that they are planning to go to. The website is informative and provides easy navigation and access to information available.

c. Why did you choose to go to your Dream Holiday Destination.

There are many picturesque sights available in the USA. The sights there such as the Colorado River are very beautiful. I chose USA as it has many interesting and unique landforms.

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a. Which criteria did you use to evaluate Why did you choose this criteria? What lessons have you learnt from this activity?
Free expression of thoughts/ideas. This criteria is very relevant as it directly related to individuals. It showcases how open the website is in allowing any form of information that may be personal to be posted and being commented on.

b. How do you feel about sharing your views via Wiki?
It serves as a platform for sharing and interacting with other people. It allows comments to be debated and sometimes, yield very rationale conclusions.